Get BNB Through a 3rd Party Provider (Faster Alternative)

This guide will walk you through how to get BNB with Trust Wallet through a 3rd party provider. This process is a much faster method to get BNB.

3rd Party Providers

A 3rd party provider will allow you to purchase crypto directly with a credit or debit card. The most popular of these is called Simplex.

Download Trust Wallet

Follow the corresponding link to your app store to download and install Trust Wallet.

Download Trust Wallet for iPhone/iPad/iPod

Download Trust Wallet for Android

Create a New Multi-Coin Wallet

Upon first launch of the app, you will be presented with the screen below which is the part where you can “Create a New Wallet” or “Import” an existing one. For this guide, we will select on Create a New Wallet.

In order to proceed, you would need to accept the Terms of Usage. Simply put a check mark at the box then press on Continue.

Save Your Recovery Phrase

This is the most important part of your crypto journey. You need to take note of your recovery seed phrases. Your recovery phrases are the keys to your crypto wallet. So make sure to keep them in a safe place. Tap on Continue to proceed.

Trust Wallet will have you confirm your 12 words. In the correct order, select the words in order to complete the verification process. Click Continue when you are finished.

After going thru the backup and verification process you will be redirected to the main wallet screen. You will see an initial list of coins that you can start funding right away. Select BNB.

After you select BNB, Tap “Buy BNB”, enter the dollar amount you’d like to buy, and tap Next. Afte rthat youll be taken to the 3rd partys website. Complete the steps to buy the BNB with a credit/debit card. After your purchase is complete the BNB will be in your wallet.

Once you have the BNB in your wallet, tap Swap, then ”Swap to Smart Chain”. This will bring up a screen and that allows you to turn your BNB into Smart Chain BNB instantly. Choose how much to swap, tap “Swap”, then confirm the transaction.

That's it! You now have the Smart Chain BNB you need to buy PETS Tokens.

Last updated