Need Support?
If you're stuck or have any issues, the MicroPets admin team is there to support you.
Join Discord
We have a dedicated support team ready to help you on Discord. Simply join our server and verify yourself to get started.
Join Telegram
Our Telegram is another source of assistance should you need help.
NOTE: Telegram is prone to having more scammers than Discord. When you ask for assistance a scammer may reach out. Kindly note that our team does not message first and will never ask you to connect your wallet to any 3rd party application.
Post for help in the chat
Wait for an admin to reply in chat (not in DM)
If the problem cannot be solved easily in chat, you may need a private conversation. In this instance, click on the admin's profile picture and message them directly first.
As mentioned above, our team will NEVER DM you first. Don't get scammed.
Rules of Not Getting Scammed
Preventing yourself from being scammed is very important in cryptocurrency. Please note the below points and keep them handy as a reference.
Scammers will try to impersonate the team (using same Usernames & Profile Photos) or as "support" to scam you.
Scammers will present themselves as helpful & kind. Please assume anyone sending direct messages to you first is a scammer.
Never connect your wallet to any 3rd party applications. The official dApps from MicroPets are located on the our website at
You are never to give out your seed phrase or private key. Doing this gives scammers immediate access to your wallet and they can instantly steal your funds.
Only your wallet address is safe to give out. Wallets are public addresses and pose no harm to you if revealed. If you don't want your wallet linked to yourself, simply don't provide it to anyone.
We will NEVER ask you for money or do airdrops
Use your head - if it seems too good to be true, it is. Scammers are very very creative and please confirm with the team publicly before performing any action you think may be questionable.
Last updated